
The Cost of Complacency

By: Karl R. LaPan, President & CEO, Northeast Indiana Innovation Center In business (and life), we often experience times that test our patience and resilience. But out of these times of trial often come great success. Take, automobile giant General Motors, for example. During the Great Depression, GM was tasked with finding a way to […]

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Why You Should Embrace the Attitude of Gratitude

By: Karl R. LaPan, President & CEO, Northeast Indiana Innovation Center Not feeling very thankful? It could be affecting your health and career. Science tells us that thankful people are better off than their less gracious peers. Taking into account several studies, Harvard Health contends that “gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good […]

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3 Ways to Embrace Change in Your Business

By: Karl R. LaPan, President & CEO, Northeast Indiana Innovation Center We live in an age of rapid change and growth. As business leaders, we must stay relevant or face the consequences. History reminds us that adaptability and resilience are keys to long-term success. But how? What’s the key to reinventing yourself and your business? Here […]


Study: Progress Toward Leveling the Playing Field for Women Entrepreneurs

By: Karl R. LaPan, President & CEO, Northeast Indiana Innovation Center Women entrepreneurs are getting shortchanged in the start-up community workplace.This might not be a new revelation, but according to the 2016 American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor study released in April, male business owners pay themselves an average of $17,400 a year more than their female counterparts. […]

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Three Practical Lessons From Running a Lemonade Stand

By: Karl R. LaPan, President & CEO, Northeast Indiana Innovation Center Kids don’t take life too seriously, and they also know how to quickly bounce back from adversity. If you’ve ever seen a lemonade stand enterprise, then you know exactly what I mean. Sometimes the kid behind the stand knows more about how to succeed […]

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