
“Acquisition Entrepreneurship” for a faster start

Della Kirkman, CPA

Della Kirkman, CPA, has an audacious goal of convincing 10,000 women to practice what she calls “acquisition entrepreneurship.”  How do you do that, you might ask?

You convince several a time, and you make it your life’s mission.

Della is a New Haven-based CPA and mergers/acquisitions advisor who encourages and assists  women who want to purchase their own businesses. She declares she’s “not a fan of starting from scratch,” so her energy is directed to “spreading the love for acquisition entrepreneurship” by teaching her clients that they can buy “something already successful.” Her role is helping them assess the condition of a business and negotiate a path to ownership.

Della does this through a process she developed for her own company, “Shift-N-Gears.”  It’s a nod to her personal history, which saw her transition from restaurant server working to earn her CPA designation, then spending almost a decade as a tax account before moving into the acquisition arena.

She also serves as an advisor to the Women’s Entrepreneurial Opportunity Center (WEOC) of the Northern Indiana Innovation Center (NIIC), 3201 Stellhorn Road. More information on the WEOC, opportunities and challenges for women in business, as well as entrepreneurship — in principle and practice — is available by contacting the NIIC at (260) 407-6442.


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