Bootstrapping is a fancy word for “self-funding” your venture. Self-funding can take many different flavors – credit cards, friends & family, customer billable projects and the like. While a small percentage of all ventures are able to secure thirdy party investment from angel investors, the average US startup launched today requires upwards of $117,000 to […]
Read MoreThis past Friday, the NIIC Senior Leadership Team attended the 1-Day EntreLeadership event in Chicago featuring Chris Hogan, Christy Wright and Dave Ramsey. This was both a terrific team building opportunity for our NIIC team to dive into the applicability to our business model as well as an inspirational day of leaning into the character quality concepts and […]
Read MoreBrands are built on trust. That is true across every industry. Think for a moment about your favorite products. What keeps you coming back for more? Chances are, the brand’s reputation and its promise comes into play somehow. If you want a sense of how important a brand’s promise is and how fragile it might […]
MoreAs you may know, National Small Business Week is underway. The annual event, hosted by the U.S. Small Business Administration April 30-May 6, is designed to recognize the nation’s top small businesses, entrepreneurs, and business advocates. We have good reason to be proud of our nation’s visionaries, entrepreneurs and innovators. Consider the fact that more […]
Read MoreStatistics paint a picture of entrepreneurship as traditionally being a middle-aged man’s game.. The Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS), a longitudinal survey of nearly 5,000 companies legally formed in 2004, indicates that the mean and median age for the founders they surveyed were both 45 years. While this data doesn’t shock me, I feel it underlines […]
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