
Confidence Leads to Success for Small Business Owner

Tracy Williams, Founder and CEO of King David's Products & Service

Tracy Williams, Founder and CEO of King David’s Product & Service, shares how WEOC Women’s Business Center and its Director Leslee Hill have changed her life and helped eliminate business insecurities with leadership guidance courses and creating content. This has helped with her feelings of concern and confusion.

My name is Tracy Williams, Founder and CEO of King David’s Product & Services. King David’s is primarily a men’s clothing and accessory retail store. Our services include clothing pressing, a bereavement program and a yearly donation program which allow us to give back to minority men that may need to update their wardrobe. This company began in the closet room of my home but now has a brick-and-mortar located at 2615 Brooklyn Avenue in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Once the concept of this brand came to mind, I quickly felt multiple emotions with the thoughts of the day-to-day business operations. With the demand and increased presence needed on social media, I was unable to move confidently to produce the successful brand and business I knew I was created to do.

WEOC Women’s Business Center and its Director Leslee Hill have changed my life and helped eliminate many business insecurities with leadership guidance courses and creating content that has subsided a lot of my feelings of concern and confusion. Recently, Leslee introduced Verizon’s Small Business Digital Ready Program to our cohort session and I am in love with this online convenience to classes, coaching, and professional help. [Register for the Program Now]

After completing just one course, I feel confident and empowered that I have new knowledge to apply to my day-to-day business structure. Verizon’s program is an amazing asset to aid in the success of any entrepreneur’s operation to utilize for the success of their business.

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