If living through a pandemic has taught us anything, it’s flexibility, resiliency, vision, and finding silver linings. Wendy Kennedy, President and Founder, WKI, wendykennedy.com, calls these silver linings milestone moments. “We have to stay focused on the silver linings. We’ve been through tough times before. Focus on the true value you are delivering,” said Kennedy. […]
Read MoreNews flash: there is never a perfect time to start a business. That perfect moment never comes. Why? Something is always going to be going on in life to postpone or delay starting your business. Life does not stop. Time does not stop. Many people have thought about starting their own business. You are likely […]
Read MoreCan anyone be an entrepreneur? If you believe an entrepreneur can learn all that’s necessary to be a successful entrepreneur, then this may be true. Yet, not everyone has the qualities, skills, or temperament to be an entrepreneur. Even individuals who do may be unhappy or dissatisfied being an entrepreneur. That’s okay. Sometimes, those skills […]
MoreRoutines. They bring structure and efficiency to our lives. We can go through the motions of everyday life with little thought. Routines begin as we wake up each morning and end as we fall asleep at night. They cover a wide range of daily activities – from personal care and meals to our social media […]
Read MorePopular reality television series The Amazing Race recently concluded season 32. Each race begins with 11 teams of two players. They embark on a race around the world. During each leg of the race, teams complete challenges to qualify to advance to the race’s next leg. Challenges are a blend of mental and physical tasks […]
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