Destination Ideation

Looking to grow your business? Not sure where to start?

Destination Ideation is a 7 week program for individuals looking to start or buy a business.

Ideation is where business ideas are typically raw and unrefined, requiring further evaluation, refinement, and feasibility assessment. These ideas can then be prioritized, selected, and developed into actionable initiatives that move forward into the implementation phase.

The Indiana Small Business Development Center (ISBDC) will present market research around your idea.  You will work with a Northeast Indiana Innovation Center (NIIC) facilitator to help you determine if the idea is a viable business endeavor and works with your lifestyle.

  • Conduct industry research
  • Develop a goal and action-step plan
  • Network with other business builders

Interested? Download our flier.

Seven Week Cohort

Every Thursday


12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Pontiac Branch Library



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