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NIIC’s Breakthrough Program Powers Minority Entreprenuers

Excerpt Program dedicated to aiding students through the journey to business ownership The vision of the American Dream has evolved over the years, the latest definition would include entrepreneurship. Indeed, owning a business is seen as a pathway toward fulfilling...

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Fuel for Success

Excerpt – As appeared in Fort Wayne Magazine Our region has long been a hub of innovation, producing many game-changing firsts. Fort Wayne has given the world the television, the gas pump, the refrigerator, the handheld calculator, the home video game, and the...

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Could you start a business? This Northeast Indiana program breaks barriers to entrepreneurship

For Breakthrough Program, Karl LaPan called on Julie Sanchez to help design. It uses The NIIC’s legacy of entrepreneurship resources and knowledge, and makes this information more accessible to the community by packaging it into a virtual and flexible eight-path program. The course takes entrepreneurs from Awareness to Thrive, with one-on-one coaching sessions, training workshops, resource, and capital connections, and access to The NIIC Navigator(r) Online Training and support.

Sanchez says that while many entrepreneurship programs exist in Fort Wayne, what makes Breakthrough unique is its focus on the pre-idea stage of entrepreneurship, helping diverse communities overcome early obstacles that might prevent them from even thinking about starting ventures—whether it’s time, funding, information, or confidence.

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Giving Tuesday a chance to help

Giving Tuesday is a chance to help. “I think part of any good fund development plan for any nonprofit is to make sure you’re building relationships with all of the sources of money,” Karl R. LaPan, The NIIC President & CEO said.

And so the nonprofit he leads is participating in Giving Tuesday this week – along with dozens of other agencies.

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Ideas are easy. Courageous dissent, not so much.

An often-overlooked attribute of a healthy community is the courage of dissent. Politics teach the way you win is to marginalize dissent. Yet, confident communities tolerate the messiness of disagreement. Dissenters’ views are welcomed as a way to sift ideas, strengthen plans, and avoid costly mistakes.

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Dissent makes good ideas great

An often-overlooked attribute of a healthy community is the courage of dissent. Politics teach the way you win is to marginalize dissent. Yet, confident communities tolerate the messiness of disagreement. Dissenters’ views are welcomed as a way to sift ideas,...

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Kiva Hub microlending program opens in northeast Indiana,

State’s second Kiva Hub provides capital to small businesses Contact: Tammy Allen, Director, Marketing & Programs,, 260-407-1731 November 9, 2020, Fort Wayne, Ind.— Start-ups and small businesses in Northeast Indiana now have a new option for...

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New Program Aims to Grow Innovation Capacity

The Northeast Indiana Innovation Center in Fort Wayne is launching a program designed to grow the region’s capacity for innovation. The center says the Innovator Mindset Mastermind program shares content created by entrepreneur Dennis Stauffer, which includes tools that can help business owners and entrepreneurs through an innovation capacity growth process. The tools include four, 90-minute discussions as well as peer-to-peer mentoring, community building and support.

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Crowdfunding Microlending Center Launched in Fort Wayne

Excerpt FORT WAYNE – Startups and small businesses in northeast Indiana that struggle to obtain traditional funding have a new option for securing capital. Nonprofit business incubator The Northeast Indiana Innovation Center has launched the Kiva Hub Northeast...

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New Mastermind for Women Business Owners Provides Inspiration for Growth and Innovation Mindset

Women-led and owned businesses have a new option to pursue innovation and growth. The NIIC EmPWR Program is launching an Innovation Mindset® Mastermind, which will guide business owners and entrepreneurs through an Innovation capacity growth process. This differs from typical masterminds, which last six months to a year for a dedicated cohort. For more information or to apply, visit

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